Visited: Saturday, May 31st, 2014
This year is unlikely to see many additions to our list of NPS sites visited; in addition to being quite busy, we're running out of New England sites. (Specifically, there are two remaining for us to visit.
But there were three, and we had some time, so we visited the Olmstead site. They've recently updated the displays in the house, which was nice, but it's a park that's really not worth visiting unless you take the tour. This was, for one hundred years, a working office, and one with an impressive level of organization.
The site is well worth seeing, but on the whole it's not a site I expect to visit again any time soon. There's something of a split personality to the site, as it's half about Olmstead, and half about his firm; this can work, but here I'd have liked more emphasis on - both, really.